Zinal Winter School on

Data Science, Optimization and Operations Research

January 19 - 24, 2025

Hotel Europe, Zinal, Switzerland

Katya Scheinberg

Georgia Tech


Katya Scheinberg is a professor at the School of Operations Research and Information Engineering at Cornell University. In July 2024, she joins the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology as a Coca-Cola Foundation Chair and Professor. Before Cornell she held the Harvey E. Wagner Endowed Chair Professor position at the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department at Lehigh University. She was also a co-director of Lehigh Institute on Data, Intelligent Systems and Computation.

Pierre Pinson

Imperial College London


Prof. Pinson is the Chair of Data-centric Design Engineering at Imperial College London (UK), Dyson School of Design Engineering, as well as a Chief Scientist at Halfspace – a data, analytics and AI company. I am an IEEE Fellow (class of 2020), as well as an INFORMS member and an IIF director. He is on the Highly-cited Researcher list of WoS/Clarivate in 2019, 2020 & 2021 (cross-field category) for numerous high-impact works in statistics, meteorology, economics and power/energy engineering.

Transport and Mobility Laboratory

The course is organized by the Transport and Mobility Laboratory, EPFL.



Venue and accommodation

The winter school will take place at Hotel Europe in Zinal.

  • Welcome cocktail on Sunday at 18:30: main restaurant of the hotel.
  • Lectures and workshops: level -2 of the hotel, in the sport hall.
  • Coffee breaks: main restaurant of the hotel.
  • Banquet dinner on Thursday: main restaurant of the hotel.
  • We recommend the participants to stay at the hotel Europe. Book directly at the hotel, and mention that you are participating to the seminar. If you are not staying at Hotel Europe, you may want to join us for dinner. In that case, please mention it to the hotel.


The course is worth 2 ECTS credits. The students who need to be evaluated to obtain the credit must inform the organizer during registration. In order to obtain the credit, the students must participate to the lectures, participate to the workshops, provide an oral presentation, submit a report. The students will be organized by groups. A scientific paper authored by one of the lecturers will be assigned to each group. During the workshops, the students will have the opportunity to interact with the author of the paper. An oral presentation of the paper by the group will be organized.

After the course, each student will prepare a technical report on a topic related to the course. The topic cannot be associated with the same lecturer as the paper presented during the workshop. This is personal work, and the topic should be approved by the lecturer during the workshop. The report should summarize the topic, provide a literature review, and a personal discussion about the topic (strengths and weaknesses, potential applications, possible extensions, etc.) The objective is to show that the students have understood the concepts, and are able to be critical about it. The report does not need to be long (about 10-15 pages).

The workload for the course is 15 hours of lectures, 8 hours of workshop, preparation of the presentations, report writing.

Lectures schedule

From To Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30 10:00 Katya Pierre Katya Pierre Katya
10:00 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 12:00 Pierre Katya Pierre Katya Pierre
12:00 17:00 Sport and discussions
17:00 19:00 Workshop Workshop Presentations Presentations
19:00 Dinner

List of participants

  1. Kuhn Daniel, EPFL (CH)
  2. Rychener Yves, EPFL (CH)
  3. Sen Buse, EPFL (CH)
  4. Li Mengmeng, EPFL (CH)
  5. Hu Yifan, EPFL (CH)
  6. kunxu song, university of rochester (US)
  7. Yao Yao, University of Singapore (CN)
  8. Kewen Yuan Kewen, Mount Holyoke College (US)
  9. Wanhong Yu, Energy and Process Engineering System (DE)
  10. Zhen XU, Liverpool University (GB)
  11. Zhang Kenan, EPFL (CH)
  13. Gallay Olivier, University of Lausanne (CH)
  14. Li Yan, Texas A&M / EPFL (CH)
  15. Jingwen Xu, university of rochester (US)
  16. Zhang Ruijia, The Johns Hopkins University (US)
  17. Tianshu Yang, EPFL (CH)
  18. Xie Zhuojun, Centralesupelec, Universite Paris-Saclay (FR)
  19. Adam Abdin, CentraleSupelec - University Paris-Saclay (FR)